Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First Dive of the season!

Flat seas, a cool breeze and the promise of 5 gallon bucketfuls of 6 inch Megalodon’s had everyone in a somewhat decent mood. You see, Captain Al just got finished talking about how the guys who dove with Spearit the day before had problems with too many teeth in the dive bag and that we were going to the same spot!

On board the boat called Littlefeet, you had a motley crew of teeth grubbing divers that often frequent the beautiful North Carolina reefs. Yes, I’m talking about Meghead and Wild Rick two modern day teeth pirates who stay down till the gauge is in the red. Bruce, Taylor, and myself rounded out the more mellow of the divers, who like to talk about the joy of diving but in reality are undercover teeth hoarders too.
(Wild Rick sleeping like a baby meghunter, and the sweet smile of success!)

There was some banter about Somali pirates, in fact I believe I heard Meghead and Wild Rick talking about the feasibility of forcibly boarding the big boat that comes out of the Outerbanks with spear guns in order to confiscate their teeth. These guys come with tons of divers and anchor overnight!

Brother…… the ships were out there on this beautiful spring day, with flat seas, and pods of dolphins frolicking in the sea, there was 4 or 5 other dive boats working the reef for Megs. Also of note, one of the outfits uses blowers to make the bottom look like Verdun in search of the big Megs so the possibility of actually being able to say that the ledge is hunted out may be valid sometime in the near future. The blowers allow the diver to go to hardpan scooping up the teeth as they are uncovered.

(Ring a ding ding -Meghead's 6.5 inch Meg! Fresh from mother earth!)

The diving conditions were excellent due to the flat seas and sun. We all did 3 dives at various spots and the winners of the day were Meghead pulling a 6.5 inch tooth from behind me, which is always a bummer for the other guy i.e. me, and Captain Al Highsmith (littlefeet charters) also finds a 6.5 inch tooth as he searched for Grouper and other tasty sea life with the spear gun.

(Captain Al with some throw backs! )

Cool stuff seen: A nice Mahi-mahi that WildRick hooked twice, then as the battle ensued for round three; the big fish took to flight as Meghead swam up alongside the boat ruining a fantastic dinnertime feast for Rick. Bruce and I also spotted a really big black triangular fin cruising in the water. I wasn’t too thrilled about watching this but Meg-fever will make a guy scuba in lava if there are teeth on the bottom. All in all can’t wait for the next time!